
Emcat Games and Mangotronics
Based in Michigan and Washington

Release date:
Q3 2023

Steam (Win/Mac/Lin+SteamOS)
Google Play
Xbox, PS5, Switch (TBA)
itch.io (Win/Mac/Linux)


Regular Price:



Navigate the corporate world with the help of a god who stops time. Intense visual novel gameplay, multiple endings, 10+ hours of gameplay, original OST, and real-life career advice based on research!

Passage: A Job Interview Simulator! An intense visual novel adventure based on real-life experiences!

Did you know that job interviews are one of the scariest moments of one’s life? As a recent college graduate, you are desperately looking for a job in your field. After several rejections and constant nightmares about your experiences, you find hope. Your roommate, a beloved pet cat, transforms into an ancient Egyptian god to assist you! With his powers, you can learn everything you need to know about nabbing your dream job. He can stop time, allowing you to think before making your choices! Navigate standard interview questions and weird brain teasers in intense scenes.

Discover the truth behind your nightmares and unveil the dark secrets kept by employers everywhere! Will you nail the interview process and impress your future employer? Or will you fall into a void of darkness? An interview can mean life or death these days.


Passage was developed as my graduate level practicum project for my Master’s of Science in Technical and Professional Communication at Lawrence Technological University.

This game is designed to teach players real-life job skills in the form of a narrative-based video game! Using interactive media, I created a game that teaches an important communication skill.

Currently, this demo is just a small part of what I want to accomplish. I plan on developing a full-length title, complete with several interview levels, “bosses”, and lore. Additionally, I want to create more visual novel style elements, including social scenes, character relationships, and point and click investigations.

As part of my continuing research and development, I am asking for player feedback on this demo. If you’d like to give feedback, I would really appreciate it!

I had so much fun writing and creating my first demo and am excited to plan out the future of this project!

--Emily Auten


  • Branching storyline with multiple endings and three major routes
  • 5 different types of interviewers and scenarios
  • ~10 hours of gameplay
  • Choice-based Visual Novel style gameplay
  • Gripping modern sci-fi/fantasy story
  • Full Original Sound Track
  • Real-life career advice based on comprehensive research


Trailer YouTube


download all screenshots & photos as .zip (52MB)

download logo files as .zip (5MB)

Player Experience Survey
Player experience survey! https:.

About Mangotronics

Mangotronics is a boutique game publisher of hyper-indie games.

More information
More information on Mangotronics, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Passage: A Job Interview Simulator! Credits

Originally created using the Tyranobuilder visual novel engine.

Emily Auten
Written and Designed by

Andrew Hintzen (https://twitter.com/hintzmusik)
Music by

Sprite Artwork

slimehunter (Mangotronics)
Steam, Console, and Mobile Ports

Mars Ashton
Special thanks to LTU’s Game Development program and my practicum advisor:

QA and Feedback Testing, Copy Editing:
OptimistPriam, Darren Y(@DeadeGuard98), Steven Ngu, Elfybean

"Passage is inspired by some of my favorite series ever: Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, Danganronpa, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" --Emily

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks